Global Flood Partnership: Flood Hazards in Canada: Update from the National Flood Mapping Program

Since 2021, the Government of Canada has invested $63.8M in the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) to help Canadians better plan and prepare for future flood risks. In this presentation, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will …

Accroître la résilience du Canada face aux inondations: introduction du nouveau Programme d'identification et de cartographie des aléas d'inondation (PICAI)

Une cartographie des inondations de haute qualité, actuelle et accessible, aidera les gouvernements, les collectivités et le public à mieux comprendre les risques d’inondation. Dans de nombreuses régions du Canada, il manque des cartes à jour qui …

Hydrological and hydraulic modeling of concrete fuse plug operation for small dams

Concrete fuse plugs are a new technology used to increase storage capacity and spillway discharge at a low cost. The fuse plugs consist of simple, large concrete blocks installed side-by-side in the spillway. They are stable until the water in the …

Integrated Water Use for Livelihoods in Crisis-affected Burkina Faso

In Northern Burkina Faso, access to clean water is lower than the national average (56% against 63%). Limited water is available for economic activities such as pastoralism and small-holder agriculture is fueling poverty and insecurity. Armed …

ECED-Sahel: A case of integrated water resources planning and use for drinking water in the crisis-affected Sahel region of Burkina Faso

The objective of the ECED-Sahel project was to integrate water resources management (and resilience) in a cross-cutting way: through water treatment and provision, agricultural livelihoods, and WASH using a social arts approach. The project tackled …

Leveraging GIS tools to improve water and sanitation infrastructure programming in Haiti

Lack of adequate water and sanitation remains a key challenge in Haiti, with rural coverage estimated at 49 and 17% respectively. The Government of Haiti is working to improve the situation with the help of donor and development organizations, but a …