GPS and Google Earth for Development: How to create, share and collaborate with maps on the net

This book shows you how to use a GPS and Google Earth to create simple and expressive maps to share on the web like the one shown on the cover. With a reading time of a mere 10 hours you will learn to work with a GPS without making mistakes, to use …

Epanet and Development: A progressive 44 exercise workbook

This collection of exercises has over 320 images designed to walk you step-by-step towards the modeling of water distribution systems which are commonly found in development work. You will learn how to load cartography and background images; to …

Epanet and Development: How to calculate water networks by computer

This manual aims at walking the reader through the design of a water supply network in a Development context by explaining in a simple manner how to build and analyze a computer model of a water network with Epanet. Epanet is a free and widely used …