Burkina Faso

Hydrological and hydraulic modeling of concrete fuse plug operation for small dams

Concrete fuse plugs are a new technology used to increase storage capacity and spillway discharge at a low cost. The fuse plugs consist of simple, large concrete blocks installed side-by-side in the spillway. They are stable until the water in the …

Integrated Water Use for Livelihoods in Crisis-affected Burkina Faso

In Northern Burkina Faso, access to clean water is lower than the national average (56% against 63%). Limited water is available for economic activities such as pastoralism and small-holder agriculture is fueling poverty and insecurity. Armed …

ECED-Sahel: A case of integrated water resources planning and use for drinking water in the crisis-affected Sahel region of Burkina Faso

The objective of the ECED-Sahel project was to integrate water resources management (and resilience) in a cross-cutting way: through water treatment and provision, agricultural livelihoods, and WASH using a social arts approach. The project tackled …

Canadian-Led Collaboration Shapes Sustainable Solutions in Burkina Faso

Water and Sustainable Economic Growth in the Sahel (ECED-Sahel) was a five-year, $17.4 million program undertaken as a collaboration between Global Affairs Canada, Cowater International, Canadian gold mining company IAMGOLD Corporation, One Drop …

Amélioration du taux d’électrification rurale: l’ABER propose une nouvelle approche

L’Agence burkinabè d’électrification rurale (ABER) a, lors d’un atelier national tenu les 3 et 4 octobre 2019, à Nioryida (commune rurale de Nobéré), dans la région du Centre-Sud, dévoilé sa nouvelle approche d’amélioration du taux d’électrification …

Burkina Faso: Projet ECED-Mouhoun, de l’énergie solaire pour changer la vie en milieu rural

Le Ministre de l’Energie accompagné de l’ambassadeur du Canada a lancé officiellement à Dédougou ce jeudi 15 novembre 2018, le projet Energie et Croissance Economique Durable dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun (projet ECED-Mouhoun). Ce projet …

Cowater International: Water and Sustainable Economic Growth in the Sahel Project official launch in Burkina Faso

Cowater and its partners are pleased to announce the official launch of the ‘Water and Sustainable Economic Growth in the Sahel Project’ in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

L'international, ça se cultive!

À l'âge de 24 ans seulement, Maxim Fortin réalise des rêves de mobilité internationale généralement réservés à des ingénieurs beaucoup plus expérimentés. Cet été, il se trouvait à Haïti afin de collaborer à l'inventaire des infrastructures d'eau …

Ingénieurs sans frontières - Université Laval

Maxim Fortin, étudiant en génie des eaux, revient d’un stage de quatre mois au Burkina Faso