
Global Flood Partnership: Flood Hazards in Canada: Update from the National Flood Mapping Program

Since 2021, the Government of Canada has invested $63.8M in the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) to help Canadians better plan and prepare for future flood risks. In this presentation, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will …

A rapid high-resolution multi-sensory urban flood mapping framework via DEM upscaling

Urban floods can cause severe loss of economic and social assets, and remote sensing has been an effective tool for flood mapping during disaster response. Due to the complexity of high-density urban structures, high-resolution (HR) optical images …

Accroître la résilience du Canada face aux inondations: introduction du nouveau Programme d'identification et de cartographie des aléas d'inondation (PICAI)

Une cartographie des inondations de haute qualité, actuelle et accessible, aidera les gouvernements, les collectivités et le public à mieux comprendre les risques d’inondation. Dans de nombreuses régions du Canada, il manque des cartes à jour qui …